It's in the stars...

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As I am a Taurus, and Dusty is a Capricorn, this is how we "match up:"

why it works
Your relationship is the epitome of an old-school classic, the stuff of romantic black-and-white films. As fellow earth signs, you're both traditional and family-oriented, and you quickly put down roots together. Your values and politics generally line up, and it's easy to be around this mellow fellow. Like you, the Capricorn man takes it slow and steady. As two of the zodiac's hardest-working signs, you'll clock plenty of office hours. Capricorn wants to build a nest egg for future generations, and you both have the savvy to do it. At the same time, your earth natures make you both sensual and pleasure-loving. You love to dress up for an elegant evening, and Capricorn will gladly oblige.

what you have to work on
Capricorn men can be brooding and melancholy, and you're not big on mood swings. You like things consistent, and when he falls into a funk, it irks you. His sign is ruled by stern, authoritarian Saturn, while Taurus is governed by sensual, romantic Venus. You don't mind him playing daddy as long as there's a little sugar in the mix. Should he become rigid or disapprove of your "extravagance," you'll boil with rage. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner," as the famous Dirty Dancing line goes. At times, this guy can seem distant and unreachable, a Lone Ranger or Marlboro Man type (think Capricorn Kevin Costner). You need attention and affection, so let him know!

how to make it last
It's so easy to be around each other, you can quickly shut the rest of the world out. With your stubborn natures, living in a bubble can be detrimental. As a creature of habit, you easily get stuck in a rut, Taurus. More than you, Capricorn is a workaholic, but too much work makes Jack a dull boy. Insist on sharing date nights, vacations and other pleasures. You may have to drag Cap out the door, but once he's there, he'll be happy as a clam. Your sensuality is a gift to him, so treat your Capricorn to massages and affection. You can be explosive, Taurus, so when you get into raging Bull mode, his wisdom and steady calm can lend you perspective. He loves to be your hero, so ask for his help when you need it.

your song
"At Last" by Etta James

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