Something Old, Something New...

This old tradition is so fun! This saying dates back to Victorian times.

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe.

Something Old represents the link with the bride’s family and the past.
This one I'm still working on. I'm going to see if we have an old broach or something I can pin to my bouquet. Otherwise, my diamond is old!

Something New represents good fortune and success in the bride’s new life ahead.
This will be my brand-new wedding gown!

Something Borrowed is to remind the bride that friends and family will be there for her when help is needed.
I'm planning to borrow my sister-in-law Karla's right hand diamond ring she wears. It's gorgeous, and we wear the same size ring!

Something Blue is the symbol of faithfulness and loyalty.
(Interesting: In England, before Queen Victoria set the standard for marrying in white, the color blue was in fact the common color for brides to be dressed in. Blue had long symbolized purity even as far back as in biblical times. Blue can therefore also symbolize purity as it did then.)
I will wear the aquamarine and diamond ring my grandma gave me on my 21st birthday. She was going to save it until my wedding day, but she couldn't save it - she was too excited about giving it to me!

A Silver Sixpence in her Shoe is to wish the bride wealth.
Why have I never heard this part before? Where the heck does one get a sixpence??

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