Engagement Photos

As most of you know, I absolutely adore New York City. I interned and lived there for a brief stint, and I love to go back whenever possible.

Since Dusty had never been to The Big Apple, I was always pestering him about going on a trip up there. While I was still on cloud nine from our recent engagement, Dusty called me at work a couple of days after the proposal and said, "How about going to New York this weekend?" I said, "Um...YES!" He said that he wanted this to be "his princess' week" so we went all out.

Before we left for our NYC weekend, I thought it'd be a great idea to get our engagement pictures taken there in the beautiful and eclectic scenery. I know a Getty Images photographer, Scott Gries (http://www.scottgries.com/) who is amazing from work, so I gave him a call. He offered to do them at NO COST! (Of course we gave him a gift certificate, though!)

We were so lucky to have such an amazing photographer take these from us - lucky him, right, he got to take a break from shooting Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Alba to shoot us! :) Check them out!

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